There are no links or pictures in the entry to show me what it was. No breadcrumbs of any kind. WHAT WAS IT? I have no idea.
I was interested in buying it at some point, and I trusted Amazon to keep that knowledge for me. Now, I don't want to add anything to the lists without tracking them somewhere else for fear of losing them. Which is exactly not the point.
I'm going to try to contact Amazon support/service, but I'm just not feeling optimistic on this one.
UPDATE: Bryan suggested that I look at the HTML source - and sure enough, the table header had this string in it:
tbody name="item.0.I1N2UK0PDLSG38.B00024WN3G"
The first part beginning with I1 yielded no results, but the second part is an Amazon product ID, which yielded plenty of Google results - it's the Wonder Cup Adjustable Measuring Cup!
Photo from
You saved the day, Bryan!